Importance Of Certifications

Packaging industry certifications are extremely complex and varied. They exist to verify that manufacturers are adhering to the highest possible standards in various areas of packaging manufacturing, from processes and practices to customer focus and supplier relationships.

The main reason printing and packaging companies try to get these certifications are because most large companies (potential and existing customers) have very strict demands for their suppliers, and they want proof. For example, if a food manufacturer is looking for a company that has BRC certification for their boxes, they will not even consider a company who does not have this packaging certification already in place.

Of course, there are other factors for printing and packaging companies to get these certifications. Increased efficiency, smaller carbon footprint, improved reliability and packaging quality, and healthy and humane working conditions are just some of the benefits depending on the certifying body’s purpose and objectives.

When you are looking for a packaging provider, take some time to learn whether the companies you are considering have any packaging industry certifications. If nothing else, it will affect the level of confidence you have in the packaging company and help you make a more informed decision.

In Halaman, more than 70% of our customers ask for certifications and they trust us to take care of the necessary certifications with many of them not feeling the need to check our certificates every time before purchasing.

It’s important to have a dedicated Quality and Certifications department to run the operation smoothly and act whenever needed. In Halaman every year we go through many audits. So, you must apply all the rules every day and make it a company policy. That way you can be ready for the next audit and make your company more professional.




